A wooden box with plants in it next to two flower pots.
Watching Miracles Grow

A Space Where Knowledge is Shared, Growth is Nurtured, & Life's Journey is Celebrated Through Love, Laughter, & Learning

Cultivating Joy, Knowledge, and Purpose

Welcome to the Itty Bitty Homestead, an accumulation of 7 years of labor with love.

A yellow flower with green leaves on it.

Who Am I?

I am a mentor, a teacher and a life-long learner. Retired from health care after 37 years of service.

A yellow flower with green leaves on it.

What Do I Believe?

I believe in God, Family, and Country.

A yellow flower with green leaves on it.

What Is My Mantra?

My mantra is Namaste Sukhino Bhava (pronounced sue keeno bava). Namaste is a greeting from heart-to-heart. Sukhino Bhava wishes you happiness and health.

A yellow flower with green leaves on it.

What's Important?

Peace, Purpose and Passion

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.
